
How can I do a Boolean search?
You can use the Boolean Operators AND, OR, and NOT within search fields. By default, an AND relationship is assumed between search terms unless another oper...
Thu, 28 Sep, 2023 at 4:17 PM
How can I save my searches?
Creating and saving searches is really simple on CABI Digital Library. Take a look at our user guides here.
Tue, 15 Aug, 2023 at 2:57 PM
Can I access my saved records offline?
Users can save items into projects, and create a PDF from their project which can be downloaded and saved locally. They can also export the citations of the...
Tue, 15 Aug, 2023 at 2:58 PM
Is the citation export function compatible with services such as Ref Works, Mendeley, etc.?
Yes, record citations can be output in a variety of formats required by various citation management systems: .ris, bibTex, EndNote, and Medlars
Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 at 8:58 AM
How do the searching algorithms work with regards to relevancy, ranking and Boolean logic?
For more information on searches, take a look at our CABI Digital Library user guides and at our search help file useful to know how to better search CABI D...
Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 at 8:58 AM
Where can I find detailed information on how to search on CABI Digital Library?
You can find detailed information on how to search CABI Digital Library at this link.  If you want to know all the ins and outs of how to search our mai...
Fri, 16 Aug, 2024 at 9:53 AM
How to translate my CAB Direct search query?
In our search help file you will find instructions for accessing searches and records saved in your MyCABI account on CAB Direct and legacy sites. Here we w...
Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 at 9:05 AM
How can I export my search results?
CABI Digital Library enables you to export up to 100,000 search results as a single operation in a variety of formats, including .ris, .csv, Text, bibText, ...
Fri, 16 Aug, 2024 at 9:49 AM
Why is there a difference between the number of records included in my citation export versus shown in search results?
It is important to note that you can only export results from Abstract Records you have access to via your (institutional) licenses. To make sure your expor...
Fri, 16 Aug, 2024 at 9:50 AM